Friday, June 4, 2010

I Wannna Be A Fashion Designer . . !

I also want to be a fashion designer . . i want to design clothes for the younqer ppl & older . i want to try different styles & different tectures of clothes make them colorful & unique also make ppl want to buy them . . idekk why i wanna be a fashion desiqner i love clothes i love to shop so i wanna make my own clothes & thinqs . .

-I Wanna Be a Singer . ,

- i wanna be a singer some day the reason i picked monica is because she sinqs well and she has 2 children . . she use to sinq alonq time aqo . . she had took a break then she started aqain . . she travels & all and she had her on show kind still standing it was a very good show it tlk abther life story and wher she is now . .somee day i will become a singer . . ! !

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Lovee You . . .

i Lovee you today i love tomorrow but i will always lovee you forever . . . you mean the world too meh dnt noo what i would do without you . .you mean the world too meh when i first saw you i said yes your the one i am complete now becuss i met you wow because of you love lives in my soul . . . .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

- ' Im A DIVA . . . .

- ' the reason i choose this sonq was becuss every qirl should think that they are a diva . . . no one should doubt them & say they arent i was alway's as told never listen wat ppl have to say mean to you just walk away with your head up hiqh . meh & my sistr's alway's say we are some diva's ppl call meh my mommy & sistr's diva's i dnt let that make my head biq or im not conceited . wen i was in like the 7th or 6th qrade ppl would alway's tell meh & my bestfriend that we were conceited but we new we wasnt but im a diva till thee end . . yeahh IMA A DIVA IMA IMA A DIVA. . . .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I lovee Myy lifee. . . .

I lovee myy liifee so veryy much && the ppl iin iit theyy mean thee world too meh ii dnt kno wat ii would do without them ii wouldnt regret anythiinq abt my life i love myy famiilyy so much we may havee our up'ss && down'ss but at the end we are all a famiilyy. . . . . I LOVE MY LIFEE && THE PPL IN MY LIFE

Monday, April 19, 2010

1st Blogg . . .

Hello myy namee is Reanna Michelle Ervin iim 14 years old in the 9th grade ii attend Michigan Collegiate High School . . I lovee too cheer, dancee, hang out with my famiilyy && friiend's iim && outgoiing person . . . somee ppl thiink ii am anti-sociial but iim nott ii just dnt alway's liikee to speak fiirst . . .tht's jst somee thiinq;s abt meh . . .