Thursday, May 6, 2010

- ' Im A DIVA . . . .

- ' the reason i choose this sonq was becuss every qirl should think that they are a diva . . . no one should doubt them & say they arent i was alway's as told never listen wat ppl have to say mean to you just walk away with your head up hiqh . meh & my sistr's alway's say we are some diva's ppl call meh my mommy & sistr's diva's i dnt let that make my head biq or im not conceited . wen i was in like the 7th or 6th qrade ppl would alway's tell meh & my bestfriend that we were conceited but we new we wasnt but im a diva till thee end . . yeahh IMA A DIVA IMA IMA A DIVA. . . .

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